The lyrics came about when I was having a bit of a lyrical block last year and a dearly missed poster on basschat who went by the name of 'Old Git' took an interest and suggested some themes for me to write about. The one that immediately got me going was the idea of a friend who keeps crossing your boundaries. You know the bloke who asks to crash on your sofa for a night and ends up still there several days/weeks later with gear all over your place, not doing his washing up and eating your last pork pie. I've known a few of these so it came easily. I'll have to own up and admit I've been that bloke myself back in the day too.
As usual with the Jetsonics the lyrics were a team effort in the end. Sam got the blue pencil out and edited them and hugely added to them. Plus they were shaped by Dave's rhythms too.
Sam and me like a bit of spelling out during a song. I was particularly pleased to get V- E - N - N diagram into a song. I like the imagery of that even if no one else has a clue what it's about.
Mixing and EP should be finished by the end of September.
Good work, Donovan! Keep up the B-L-O-G-G-I-N-G.